Leslie Goe, Principal

Josselyn Kiser, Assistant Principal
Name | eMail Address | Department | Grade Taught |
Kasey Brown | kasey.m.samples@k12.wv.us | Cummunites in Schools | |
Black, Crystal | cgblack@k12.wv.us | English | 6 |
Black, Patrick | patrick.black@k12.wv.us | Special Education | 7 |
Blake, Carlet | carlet.blake@k12.wv.us | Art | 6 |
Carroll, Kim | kacarroll@k12.wv.us | Discover Your Future | 8 |
Collins, Brian | bmcollin@k12.wv.us | Physical Education | 6-8 |
Dawson, April | april.dawson@k12.wv.us | Secretary | |
Dawson, Joseph | joseph.dawson@k12.wv.us | Cummunites in Schools | |
Gallaher, Elizabeth | egallaher@k12.wv.us | Technology / Science | 7 |
Hamrick, Michelle | mkhamric@k12.wv.us | Mathematics | 7 |
Holcomb, Justin | jholcomb@k12.wv.us | Health | 6-8 |
Hubbard, Elizabeth | elizabeth.hubbard@k12.wv.us | Science | 8 |
Huffman, Pamela | pamela.huffman@k12.wv.us | English | 7 |
James, Jaqueline | jacqueline.davis@k12.wv.us | Family Engagement | |
Johnson, Alicia | amjohnson@k12.wv.us | School Nurse | |
Kiser, Josselyn | josselyn.kiser@k12.wv.us | Curriculum | |
Kiser, Michael | michael.kiser@k12.wv.us | Social Studies | 6 |
McDonough, Tasha | tasha.mcdonough@k12.wv.us | Classroom Aide | |
Ramsey, Jessica | jessica.ramsey@k12.wv.us | ALC | 6-8 |
Simons, Gail | gsimons@k12.wv.us | Classroom Aide | |
Skidmore, Wendy | wendy.skidmore@k12.wv.us | WV History | 8 |
Stover, Kara | k.stover@k12.wv.us | English | 8 |
Thomas, Cheryl | cdthomas@k12.wv.us | Mathematics | 8 |
Valliancourt, Catherine | cvcarpen@k12.wv.us | SE English, Math, Social Studies, Science | 6-8 |
Vaughan, Allison | allison.vaughan@k12.wv.us | Special Education | 6 |
Wayne, Doug | dfwayne@k12.wv.us | Music / Band | 6-8 |
Wayne, Tracy | twayne@k12.wv.us | Music | 6-8 |
Workman, Courtney | courtney.workman@k12.wv.us | Mathematics | 6 |
Autumn Dobbins
Welcome to our CCMS Counselor Corner! At Clay County Middle School, we strive to create caring model students. Students receive weekly Model Student lessons that teach independence, teamwork, citizenship, service, personal growth and character development.
In February we will be celebrating diversity during Model Student time. We will look at the history of West Virginia as a culturally diverse melting pot and celebrate culturally and ethnically diverse West Virginians throughout history. In the spirit of giving, students will also be creating Valentine's Day cards for local nursing home residents.
Vision Statement
The vision of the Clay County Middle School comprehensive school counseling program is that every student will be provided the tools for success in their academic, personal, and career goals while being educated on personal health, safety, and wellbeing. Clay County Middle School Mustangs are creative, caring model students who are considerate, ambitious, and responsible. Students will grow in confidence, competence, and resilience and gain the necessary skills to become healthy, responsible, proactive citizens of our community who respect themselves, others, and our world.
Mission Statement
The mission statement of Clay County Middle School comprehensive school counseling program is to foster student growth and development by encouraging student success and learning in all school activities. Supports and interventions for academics and behavior will be data-informed to better support the needs of students. Students will gain the skills necessary to support their emotional well-being, including confidence, resilience, and responsibility through the implementation of a comprehensive developmental guidance program that focuses on social emotional learning, career exploration, teaching valuable life skills and personal safety and well-being.
West Virginia Resources
United Way: Call or Text 211
Prestera Mobile Crisis Unit: 1-800-642-3434
Help for WV: 1-844-435-7498